You can try out Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure right now!
Architects, Pathfinders and Spark-throwers,
We mentioned in our last devlogs that we are working on a demo, and it’s out! Now!
Download it while you read, so you can play right after!
Very important, if you find a bug or have some feedback, you can tell us via Discord or via the Steam Discussions forum. If you’d rather something a bit more one to one, you can also directly email us, at
We’d especially like any feedback regarding accessibility! We’ve tried to keep both approachability and accessibility in mind (both in the core design, and in accessibility features), so that as many people as possible can try out the fun joys of automation puzzles. So if there’s something that you feel like is preventing you from playing the game properly, please reach out. We’d love to get it ironed out during, or even before, we enter Early Access.
What’s in the demo?
So, the demo contains about half of our first biome, the Woodlands. You can already play with your choice of Mouse & Keyboard or Gamepad, customize your character, enjoy the core loop and the beginning of our story! We’ve included two Beta features in the demo: the button remapping and multiplayer. They might be a bit limited, but they should be functional.
In total, the demo has 38 out of 61 Woodland quests, which means you’ll be able to unlock 3 out of the 5 Woodland Sparks, build 9 out of 18 Woodland workstations and logistics buildings, and manage 10 out of 21 Woodland recipes.

We expect a player to finish the demo in about three hours? But the demo is only gated by content. You can play for as long as you want and optimize your base as much as you want, you just can’t unlock everything we have.
Also, you can already take a look at what we’re planning for by going to the Quest Overview and pressing the Show Full Overview button! You can even see what will be unlocked in the Mountains, although obviously, everything’s very work in progress and all of these things might, and probably will, change in some way.
The Mountains?
Yeah, you can already take a glimpse of our second biome, the Mountains, in the Demo! But ah, not for very long.

We’ve only showed the Woodlands so far (although not all of it, there’s still a surprise or two in the demo for you!) but now that the demo is out, we’re going to talk a lot more about the Mountains. We’re planning to enter Early Access with both the Mountains and the Woodlands (and to add more during Early Access), and it’s where we start letting off the training wheels and giving you more interesting challenges.
You’ll need to deal with weirder and more aggressive enemies, manage vertical logistics with ziplines and elevators, and take care of a whole new element that we’re still working on. However, with tougher challenges comes better tools! You’ll get even odder Sparks that can explode, help you scout, and more!
Alright, that’s enough, it’s time for you to try out the demo. Don’t forget that you can send us bugs and feedback via our Discord, our Steam Discussions threads, or via email at
We hope you have as much fun playing it as we do and we’ll see you at the next devlog.
We’re planning to talk about the game in general for a little bit, what our intentions are for Early Access, and how we want to do things.
Your Massive Miniteam