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Oddsparks Patch Notes (Demo; BETA – v0.1.S15183)

By Januar 23, 2024Mai 6th, 2024No Comments

Our first ever changelog! 🎉 How exciting!

Welcome to Oddsparks Patch Notes!
These patch notes are for a Beta branch of the game we’re about to add to the demo.

That means that these changes will enter into a beta branch that you can access by:

  1. Right clicking the demo in your Steam Library
  2. Selecting „Properties“
  3. Going to „Betas“
  4. Opting in to the „Beta“ branch in the drop-down.
    (You may need to update the game and restart Steam.)

When we’re sure this version is stable, we’ll distribute it in the Stable (the steam default) branch.

We’ll do our best to ensure that your saves will continue to work, although this is just not always possible depending on the type of bugs and features we worked on.

For this specific set of changes: your saves should not be affected.

Important Changes:

  • Remappable Keybindings: Added rebindable movement and camera keys.

    We prioritised adding rebindable movement and camera keys into the feature. You can now rebind movement control from WASD and camera control from Arrow Keys. The feature is still in Beta and better keybinding UX will come later.

  • Default KBM Controls: Moved Radial Menu off Shift key to Alt.
    We didn’t realise just how used everyone was to pressing Shift! Since accidentally opening the radial menu was a very destructive mistake to the moment to moment flow, we’ve moved it to Alt. However, we are keeping the rest of the default keybindings the way they are for now, until we get more feedback and data.
  • Pinned Quest UI: Added „Return to Questgiver“ reminder.

    We noticed players not realising that they were supposed to hand over quests, partially due to players being used to tutorial quests auto-completing. We have added a reminder that only appears when you have finished all the steps that you should return to the quest giver.

  • Movement Speed: Minor bump to standard walk speed, no change to path running speed.

    This may cause some more pop-in of the environment, but unfortunately, that’s the tradeoff. Hopefully it should make walking not feel punishing, while making it still feel rewarding to build paths for your own personal use.

  • Online Multiplayer: Stability fixes for 3-4 players.

    Multiplayer sessions with 3-4 players should be a lot more stable than it was previously. We still have some issues, but playing with 3-4 players shouldn’t be less stable than 2 players anymore.

Other Changes:

  • Fixed some client crashes.
  • Fixed multiplayer saves suddenly having millions of play hours counted.
  • Removed traces of secret project name before Oddsparks was called Oddsparks.
  • Fixed movement input getting stuck when button was released during a loading screen.

If you have any feedback, notices any bugs or had any crashes, you can let us know via the usual methods. Hit us up on our Discord. tell us on our Steam Discussions forum, or you can email us at