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Our Sparks are learning languages

By April 9, 2024April 16th, 2024No Comments

Oddsparks will be localized in multiple languages!

As we are moving ever closer to the Early Access release of Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure on April 24th, we’ve got some exciting news for you. We’ve always wanted to ensure Oddsparks can be enjoyed by as many players around the world as possible when the full release comes around, and we are starting this path now.

With the beginning of Early Access, Oddsparks will support English, German, French, and Japanese. A big thank you goes out to all the players from those countries who have expressed their interest and wishlisted the game.

We are currently on track to finish all the general texts, including building and item names, tutorials, and quest texts for the Early Access release, so hopefully, everyone will be able to get into the flow of the game quickly, understand what is going on, and how to play the game.

As the inhabitants of the world of Oddsparks are quite the talkative bunch, work on the dialogues will take a while longer and will not be completed in time for the Early Access release. While the dialogues do add a lot of flair to the game, most of them are not required to play the game or understand what is going on. This means that at launch, only English will include all of them, but we are planning to deliver a language patch soon after release.

So, if you are playing in a language other than English, some quests will only have the description and no dialogue. If you want to see English dialogues in places where there is no translation available yet, you’ll have the option to do so in the settings menu.

We can’t wait to have you all playing and enjoying the Early Access version of Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure! Join the Oddsparks community on Discord and stay tuned for more updates on the official Early Access start.