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We’re back, on Oddsparks TV!

who needs regular TV, when we have Oddsparks streams and videos? Especially that our team can shamelessly watch them at work! 😀 Discovering all the creative, efficient and aesthetic ways people build and automate has become a new favorite part of our jobs, and we’re delighted to recommend some new channels to watch!

Ever thought of automating your process of discovering the best games? There’s a bot for that! Wanderbot, to be precise – the YouTuber with a personal mission to play as many cool videogames as humanly (or inhumanly) possible! Oddsparks has been one of his most anticipated games of 2024, and he couldn’t wait to dive in… and what an exciting dive it has been! Check it out yourself:

Wanderbot’s favorites are indie and roguelike, but he’d try any game that catches his eye. A special guest is likely to appear in his videos, when the game played has a nice story: Wanderbot’s wife Chelle she is, usually analyzing the lore and worldbuilding. Keep an eye on the purple robot in the video thumbnails!

That’s it for today! And if you’re streaming Oddsparks or have made a video – feel free to share it in our Discord!

Last but not least, check out the Oddsparks presskit for logos, transparent promotional images for all your banner needs, and more.