What a difference a week makes. Friends and Soon-to-be-Friends, Has it really been just one week after we launched into Early Access? We’ve had a pretty amazing launch and it’s…
Adds and Fixes make us happy! Fixed disappearing mountain waypoints (also fixed for existing savegames). Fixed first waypoint outside the village sometimes being blocked by a giant tree (also fixed…
Get Ready to Spark Some Fun! It’s finally here! We are very excited to announce that Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure has launched into Early Access. You can now explore the…
Explorers, Automators, and Spark-Petters! Now that there’s we're counting the days before our Early Access release (April 24th!!), let’s talk a bit about what has changed between the demo and…
Oddsparks will be localized in multiple languages! As we are moving ever closer to the Early Access release of Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure on April 24th, we’ve got some exciting…
We're back, on Oddsparks TV! Friends and Soon-to-be-Friends, We love to watch folks play our game, since everyone plays so differently and we figured you might too! Every few weeks,…
Let's climb this devlog together! Hikers, Engineers, and Spark-throwers, Let’s go straight into a deep-dive into our second biome: The Mountains! We’re going to first talk about the design intent…
Who runs the world? Girls! Friends and Soon-to-be-Friends, We’re in the Steam Women’s Day Sale event! If you haven’t seen it, it’s a showcase of games from teams led by…
We're on the list of the most played demos of the Steam Next Fest! Friends and Soon-to-be-Friends, Thank you so so much. Thank you for showing off our game to…